Newar Law Firm - The cases our firm handles

Newar Law Firm is an employment law firm that handles employment discrimination and retaliation, fraud against the United States government, overtime pay violations, whistleblower retaliation, trade secret misappropriation, and non-compete violations

We are often asked:

  1. What types of cases does the firm handle?

  2. Why?

  3. How can a small firm like yours beat the largest corporations and law firms in the world?

In the next 3 blogs, we will answer these questions.

What types of cases does the firm handle?

The question we are most frequently asked is: “What types of cases does the firm handle?”
In the website’s “Practice Areas” section, we provide a complete list of the types of cases we handle.  
In the “Cases” section, we describe some of the more high-profile cases we have handled in the last 26 years.     

Following is some additional information about our practice:   

Employment Discrimination/Retaliation

We have successfully represented numerous job applicants, employees, former employees, and independent contractors who have been subjected to discrimination based on age, race, gender (including sexual orientation), pregnancy, disability/serious health condition, religion, and/or national origin; and who have been subjected to retaliation for opposing discrimination based on one of these factors. Such discrimination and retaliation include termination/forced resignation; denial of a promotion; demotion; rejection of a job application; reduced or unawarded bonuses/incentive compensation; denial of a requested disability accommodation; unwarranted discipline; and other unequal terms and conditions of employment. 

Whistleblower Retaliation

We have successfully represented numerous “whistleblowers”: employees who report actual or perceived violations of laws (for example: health and safety violations; criminal conduct; health care fraud; fraud against the United States government; etc.) to their supervisors, government agencies, or the media and then face retaliation for doing so. Again, such retaliation includes termination/forced resignation; denial of promotion; demotion; rejection of a job application; reduced or unawarded bonuses or other incentive compensation; unwarranted discipline; and other unequal terms/conditions of employment.

Fraud Against The United States Government

We have successfully represented individuals who know of fraud against the United States government. The False Claims Act (FCA) is a federal law that allows private citizens to file suit against those who have defrauded the United States government and receive a portion of monies recovered. The FCA also protects these “relators” from retaliation for opposing such fraud. We have recovered substantial compensation for our FCA clients.    

Overtime Pay Violations

We have successfully represented many workers who work more than 40 hours per week but are not paid any or all compensation for their overtime work. Often, companies attempt to justify their non-payment/underpayment of overtime compensation by claiming that our clients are “exempt” because they are paid a salary, have supervisory responsibility, or for some other reasons. We frequently succeed in busting employers’ “exemption” defenses and recovering substantial compensation for our clients.  

Non-Compete/Non-Solicitation Violations

We have successfully represented individuals who are accused by their former employers of violating their employment agreement’s non-competition and non-solicitation provisions. Many non-competition and non-solicitation provisions are unenforceable under Texas law or another state’s law. As a result, we frequently succeed in busting these non-competition and non-solicitation provisions. Non-compete/non-solicitation litigation is highly complex and nuanced and, therefore, requires legal counsel with expertise and skill in this area of law.

Trade Secret Misappropriation

We also represent individuals and small businesses whose trade secrets, proprietary information, and other confidential information are misappropriated (i.e. stolen) by others. This trade secret litigation—which is brought under the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (“DTSA”) and the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act (“TUTSA”)--is also highly complex, nuanced, and, often, international in scope. Therefore, it requires skilled counsel with extensive trial and appellate experience.

If you or someone you know needs legal assistance with these or other employment-related problems, please contact NEWAR LAW. We would be honored to speak with you about your case.


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